CAC's mission is to provide a platform where faculty members, researchers, students, and industry stakeholders address the computing challenges faced by science, technology, society, industry, public administration, and local communities.

Center for Applied Computing

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Thematic Areas

Computational Science

This thematic area comprises fundamental and computational science; that is, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and the like, as well as their computational counterparts, including cheminformatics, bioinformatics, etc.

Computational Engineering

This thematic area uses computers to solve engineering design problems that are important to various industries, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, aeronautical engineering, and more.

Life and Health Technologies

This thematic area addresses real world challenges in areas of life sciences, public health, medicine, wellbeing and biology; for example, we are developing novel enabling raw materials for regenerative medicine applications.

Graphics, XR, and Creativity

In this thematic area, we carry out research in computer graphics, computer games, virtual reality, generative art, user experience (UX) design, robotics, human-computer interaction (HCI), digital fabrication, and experimental animation.

Information and Communication Technologies

We envision that the integration of super IoT technologies with 6G networks will redefine the boundaries of connectivity and intelligence. Our focus will be on the creation of 'digital twins' — virtual replicas of physical entities. Through a symbiotic relationship between sensing, imaging, and positioning technologies, individuals will gain enhanced situational awareness and predictive capabilities, akin to a 'sixth sense' enabled by technology. Another important topic is the integration of AR/VR technologies with IoT and sensor networks.


Mission & Objectives


The mission (primary objective) of the Center for Applied Computing (CAC) at Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) is to provide a platform where faculty members, researchers, students, and industry stakeholders collaborate on applied computing research, development, and innovation projects. These projects aim to address the computing challenges faced by science, technology, society, industry, public administration, and local communities.


1. Conduct applied research and development in computing. CAC will equip, promote and help faculty to develop grants and seek sponsorship to support their research agendas.
2. Collaborate with corporate partners through research and consulting projects. CAC will actively seek partners with whom we can apply our faculty and industry expertise to practical applications that solve real-world computing problems. These projects form the foundation with which the center is sustained and realizes much of its mission.
3. Collaborate with UBI and other Higher Education Institutions to attract PhD students and promote their careers. CAC will actively seek new PhD students by further leveraging R&D projects and funding in both academic and industry environments.
4. Expand the visibility of the University of Beira Interior (UBI) in applied computing nationally and internationally. This visibility will be supported by a dissemination and communication plan.